"Reading poetry is an adventure in renewal, a creative act, a perpetual beginning, a rebirth of wonder." (Edward...
PaintChip Poetry: On the Road
Week 4 Prompt: ON THE ROAD Paint Chips: in the dark bone terra-cotta sun rays penny For our fourth (and final?)...
Haiku Saturday – Earth Day
Haiku (or hokku) I love this poetic form! The restricted syllables and lines (typically three unrhymed lines of five,...
#Poetry Friday: Casa Grande
Casa Grande wherein life holds death and death holds life she sits in stillness on a sandstone shelf of...
The Nevermores: Thanks Be
A Song Prompt The Nevermores ... With a nod to Edgar Allen Poe, the name for our poetry group, is a reminder of...
Poetry to Ponder: Marilyn Singer
"Reading poetry is an adventure in renewal, a creative act, a perpetual beginning, a rebirth of wonder." (Edward...
PaintChip Poetry: The Future
Week 3 Prompt: THE FUTURE Paint Chips: watermelon gargoyle swamp vintage turquoise chanterelle What do you see when...
#PoetryFriday – Secrets
A Photo Prompt Halfway there... Today marks the midpoint in our celebration of National Poetry Month! Matt Forrest...
The Nevermores: A Photo Prompt
A Photo Prompt The Nevermores ... Edgar Allen Poe most certainly inspired the name for our poetry group, though we...
Poetry to Ponder: Byrd Baylor
"Reading poetry is an adventure in renewal, a creative act, a perpetual beginning, a rebirth of wonder." (Edward...
PaintChip Poetry: When I Was Little
Week 2 Prompt: WHEN I WAS LITTLE Paint Chips: genie lamp quarry full moon champagne aquarium Scroll down to enjoy...
Haiku (or hokku) A Japanese verse form most often composed, in English versions, of three unrhymed lines of five,...