“Is the wind

the world breathing?”

(excerpted from WONDER WALKERS
by Micha Archer; 2021 Penguin Random House)



mountain sky exhales

soft, cool

flows through the open window

sweeps my bare arm

gently fills the room

I inhale


aspen awakening

palest green


learning to play in the breeze

learning to cling

when mother trees sway

when chickadee sings

when eagle wings



©draft, Patricia J. Franz

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Best laid plans…

Inspired by this post from Heidi, I took her suggestion and planned to bring poetry and a nature walk to my sister’s Kindergarten class. Heidi’s Pre-K poets proved what is possible when we offer time and space and simple language and room to wonder!  So I ran with it…

…right in to COVID.

Instead of joining 22 joyful kiddoes, I am quarantined at home. Though my energy level is low, I’ve stolen a few moments – when Tylenol is at its peak – to enjoy these picture books myself and take a “wonder walk” – albeit from my couch.



My window is open. Aspen, maple, chokecherry are leafing. Snow laces the east shore. The lake is a petulant blue: I will be beautiful whether you are here or not.

Feeling grateful despite my disappointment.

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Please join Carmela at Teaching Authors, host for this week’s Poetry Friday round up!

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