It’s Poetry Friday!

Join our host Bridget at wee words for wee ones

to find all the poetry goodness going out in the world this weekend! 

Today is National Day on Writing!


I was delighted to see my desert home highlighted for one of the writing prompts.

Here’s a peek at a 2-minute video of some of the beauty that inspires me!

I returned from the mountains yesterday. My first outing this morning was to get my pup outside before 7am (we have about four more 100-degree days before SUMMER ENDS here). Since I have not written about the desert –yet, I pulled a haiku from my desert archives for today:



cascading spires

hillside march of saguaros

desert convention


poem and photo ©2023 Patricia J. Franz

You can find my posts for Write Out Week Two below:

Day 6: “only sound”

Day 7: “On Dollar Hill”

Day 8: “coyote morning”

Day 9: “boundaries”

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