Today's prompt: Write a six-word story. Wonder begins with one little leaf. The end....
Truth be told: I did not go outside to write this. It was 4am and freezing. But I gazed outside at a morning...
Write Out: Day 2
Days like this what is wonder, but needle, cone, forest-fall days new leaf in my life ...
Write Out: Day 1
like water liquid windowpane sunshine splash cobble shrieks and giggles foamy tickles on her face slips a shawl...
A Street Poem
Street Poems True confession: I love eavesdropping on conversations! It's one of my favorite things to do when I'm...
Z is for Zappai
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsSort of a cheat... So a Zappai is a variation of haiku, sort of. In fact, Writer's...
X is for X-ray
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsWhat is an X-Ray poem? I did not find an established poetic form for X-ray, though I...
Y is for Yarn
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsMaking this up... I don't know if there is a poetic form called Yarn. I found lots of...
W is for Wrapped Refrain
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsA Wrapped Refrain? I found this great definition and guide for a wrapped refrain at...
P is for Progressive Poem!
The 2023 Progressive Poem is Here! As part of National Poetry Month, the Poetry Friday community is celebrating...
V is for Villanelle
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 Forms Villanelle - A French Poetic Form Lots of rhyme and refrain, five tercets and...
U is for Urdu
30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsUrdu Poetry Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and an official language of...