My niece’s dog has come to stay with us this week. She used to be a hiker – the dog, not my niece. My niece is still...
Poetry Friday: No Greater Love
No Greater Love when the fallen log becomes home, food, life for lichen, squirrel, ant, termite bite by...
Poetry Friday: Girl On a Bicycle
Girl On a Bicycle by Troy Garrison (1939) The blue-enameled body of the slender beast Is alive, with the pulse...
Poetry Friday: Lake Tahoe, Claimed
Lake Tahoe, Claimed A million years of crust and crumble, claimed by faults, stretched and rumbled; mountains...
Poetry Friday: My Garden
My Garden Carrot and cucumber! Cabbage and kale! Peppers and peas and tomatoes! Leafy greens that...
Poetry Friday: Wonder Walking
“Is the wind the world breathing?” (excerpted from WONDER WALKERS by Micha Archer; 2021 Penguin Random House) ...
Poetry Friday: A Homecoming
HOMECOMING late spring snow dresses the roadside tiny piles of powder sparkle beside the pond sprinkled by a...
Poetry Friday: Thank You, Moms!
Thank You, Moms! for moms who carry us give body, give life for moms who accompany in joy, in strife the...
PoetryFriday: Poem In My Pocket!
Desert Spring Fat ol’ lizard counts pushups in the sun Mourning dove laments: half a shell is found...
#Poetry Friday: Casa Grande
Casa Grande wherein life holds death and death holds life she sits in stillness on a sandstone shelf of...
#PoetryFriday – Secrets
A Photo Prompt Halfway there... Today marks the midpoint in our celebration of National Poetry Month! Matt Forrest...
#PoetryFriday: Treasures
I'm workshopping a picture book manuscript that began as a poem (this happens alot for me). Children have so much to...