I like to think that in God's infinite love, God knew we would need a way to make sense of pain and suffering. Maybe...
Life at the speed of grace
One of the best – and shortest – homilies I ever heard was given by a deacon on Ash Wednesday some years ago. Instead...
What is it about a word that wends its way into your very being and then insists on staying awhile, till you begin to...
Spiritual Journey: Rest
Carol is leading us this month in reflecting on the joy of summertime. Click on her name for her visual and poetic...
Spiritual Journey: Church
Dave prompted us this month with deep questions about church; church as place, as people, as spiritual practice. You...
“I am the dance”
dancedance in joy and in griefin tears and in asheslift and carrydancedance ©2023, Patricia J. FranzThese poems...
Spiritual Journey: Shall We Dance?
"I am the dance, and I still go on..." We sang “Lord of the Dance” in many Catholic liturgies during the Easter...
Do This In Memory of Me
It’s 1965. I’m 6 years old. It’s Good Friday. What I know: There will be fish for dinner. Again. Yuck. We...
Words we fall back on
With age comes wisdom, right? - though I suppose foolishness finds its home even in the graying crowd. Deepening...
Poetry Friday: Color and Light
This is my cheat week... I'm double-dipping and linking Poetry Friday to my Spiritual Thursday... (warning: it's a bit...