Poetry Friday is one of a precious handful of writing communities for which I am extremely grateful. Each week, a...
All I Want For Christmas Is…
PoetryFriday is here! Want to know more? Click here. Last week, Anastasia Suen offered a wonderful summary of Poetry...
Let there be light
Our friend Ruth at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken townhas hostess duties this week. She asked us last week...
Mom at Ninety
Irene Latham is our host for the Poetry Friday round up this week! When I think of Irene, I think of Billy Joel’s...
Kitchen Calamites
It's #PoetryFriday! Want to know more? Click here. Please visit Karen at Karen Edmisten* Karen is our Poetry Friday...
Lies we tell our children
It's Poetry Friday!Buffy Silvermanis celebrating her newest picture book, On a Flake-Flying Day: Watching Winter's...
Street poem
My spirit feels like a puddle of heartache this week. How much can a heart absorb – of atrocities, madness,...
Write Out 2023 – My week
I'm using my daily writing practice to participate in Write Out 2023. You can click on any of the links below for a...
Painting with words
It's #PoetryFriday! Want to know more? Click here. This week's round up is hosted by Matt Forrest Esenwine who is...
Write Out 2023!
Do y’all know about WRITE OUT??? The National Writing Project’s annual Write Out is a free two-week celebration of...
Summer’s End
It's Poetry Friday! Carol Varsalona hosts the round up this week at Beyond LiteracyLink. Carol invited us to share a...