Poetry Friday is one of a precious handful of writing communities for which I am extremely grateful. Each week, a worldful of poets share their hearts through words, images, and art in a collective, supportive online environment. This week is hosted by Janice Scully at Salt City Verse.  Please visit! She will have links there for others who give word to the invisible.


What is invisible, really?

Something invisible is just unseen presence. Silent but waiting, ready. And I am swimming in invisible graces. Time. Friendships. Writing partners. Words. And it is my joy to make poems with these.

But this week, Wendell Berry’s captured what is stirring in my heart.

How to be a Poet  (to remind myself)
by Wendell Berry
(read the full poem here)


Accept what comes from silence.

Make the best you can of it.

Of the little words that come

out of the silence, like prayers

prayed back to the one who prays,

make a poem that does not disturb

the silence from which it came.

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