The Kids’ Table

No china or crystal
No extra forks
No fancy linen

Salty black olives from a can,
one for each finger and thumb
Fluffy pillowed dinner rolls
dripping with butter

Oh, and the ravioli!

I was twenty-three
before I tasted turkey
on Thanksgiving,
indulged in chatter and antipasti.

Still don’t like mashed potatoes and gravy.
Why not shrimp tacos,
like other grateful days–

as I look longingly
from the grownups table.

©draft, Patricia J. Franz
November 29, 2022

Giving thanks continues with the latest and final POMELO BOOKS anthology
To help kids celebrate all that we wear,
26 poets worked their magic with each letter of the alphabet.

Here’s a preview of my poem “Earmuffs” set to video!

“Earmuffs” ©2022 Patricia J. Franz 

Available now on Amazon or QEP!

You’ve seen this before, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving,
I want to once again lift up the gift of community and poetry
created by the team of Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell!

Our Poetry Friday host this week is Catherine at Reading to the Core. 

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