O come, all ye faithful,

believers that the best is yet to come…

Wherein lies hope, faith?

In the belief that your work is worth the wait.

My Nevermores poetry partners crafted “field guide” poems last week, inspired by Marcie Flinchum Atkins’ reading of April Pulley Sayre’s UNFOLD YOUR BRAIN. One of the activities in the book is called “Tracking You.”  After considering the trail of stuff that seems to follow one of my sons, I played a bit more and composed this field guide for finding hope.

Advent Haiku

snow-ladened bough waits
busy squirrels prepare burrows
who is more faithful?

May this season of hope and waiting be filled with poetry! 

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The wonderful poet and author, Irene Latham is our host for this week’s Poetry Friday round-up.

And, come back next week when I host the final 2022 Poetry Friday round-up!

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