It's Poetry Friday!Mary Lee at A(nother) Year of Reading is our host. The Nevermores tried the monotetra form -...
It's Poetry Friday! Want to know more? Click here. Thank you to this week's host, Jan at BookSeedStudio, for hosting...
Haiku Conversations
It's Poetry Friday! Margaret at Reflections on the Teche has our poetry round up!I'M MOST HAPPY In the Cuspbetween...
Summer’s Middle Child
(above image courtesy of Pixabay and Clip2Comic)It's Poetry Friday!We are hosted this week by Linda at A Word...
Independence Day
It's Poetry Friday!My Nevermore's partner and friend, Marcie Flinchum Atkins is hosting our round-up this week.Marcie...
Follow No One
It's Poetry Friday!Irene Latham is celebrating the launch of her latest picture bookMUSEUM ON THE MOON: The Curious...
PF = Poetry Friendship
It's Poetry Friday! Spend part of your weekend eavesdropping on some amazing poetic sharing between friends! Linda...
Birthday Party Memories
The Nevermores mined childhood memories for poems this week. I'm about to give away my age... Remember glass milk...
Happiness Is
I've been thinking about happiness lately - why it comes so easily for some people and why it seems to elude others. ...
The Mountains Are Calling
It’s inevitable. Whether visiting, living in, or simply reading about the Sierra Nevada mountains, eventually you will...
An Anniversary Cento
Poetry Friday is here! Want to know more? Click here. I'm delighted to be hosting this week's round up!To add your...
Bear Comes to Visit
I awoke at 5am to this mama black bear and her two cubs IN MY KITCHEN.It is almost 10pm. In that time, these bears...