I’ve been thinking about happiness lately – why it comes so easily for some people and why it seems to elude others.  These two are naturals. Their announcement this week fills us with joy! 

Scott and Laura celebrating on a mountain top

I am one of five siblings. Between us, we have a dozen children. FIVE of them have announced engagements in recent months/weeks!

Is this amazing?? Each one of us has a son or daughter who will be getting married sometime in the next 12 months. I am not one normally prone to FOMO (fear of missing out), but this was absolutely a club I wanted in on!

Today, our son proposed to his partner and soulmate. Happiness is!

This week The Nevermores wrote golden shovel poems inspired by May Sarton’s “The Work of Happiness.”

I thought of happiness, how it is woven

Out of the silence in the empty house each day

And how it is not sudden and it is not given

But is creation itself like the growth of a tree.

Read the rest here…

We used the final line as the strike line:

Windows look out on mountains and the walls are kind.

©2023, Patricia J. Franz

Happiness Is

I will live anywhere, but give me windows

that waken me with a chickadee’s song, that look

upon firs kissed by spring, that beckon “Come out!”

Let me greet morning’s dew glistening on

pane and pine; offer a reverent nod to mountains

robed in royal fur – a murmur of miracles and

morning prayer. I will live anywhere, but give me the

rustle of limbs unbared –assurance these walls

are not meant to hold me in, are

waiting to share their gift-in-kind.

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