Ramona at Pleasures From the Page

hosts the Poetry Friday round up this week. Join us!

To honor those that toil…
the workers and their contributions to the well-being of our nation…
Here’s to the pollinators!

robed in royalty
herbaceous daisy dances
grace labors freely

Photo & poem ©2023 Patricia J. Franz

bees labor in love
unaware, summer waning
sungold explosion

Photo & poem ©2023 Patricia J. Franz

I continue to be in conversation with ancient Japanese poets, courtesy of a Summer Poetry Swap gift from Linda Baie (a book of haiku published in 1955).

Imagine my delight when Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) – considered the master of Japanese haiku – and I gushed over our shared observations in the garden. 


ballet in the air…
twin butterflies
until, twice white…
they meet, they mate



pollinator pair
smothered in love’s sweet nectar
flower to flower

I’m meandering my way through James Crews’ THE PATH TO KINDNESS: Poems of Connection and Joy. On page 64, in reference to Ted Kooser’s poem “It Doesn’t Take Much” Crews reminds us how simply noticing – humanity, nature, whatever – connects us to the larger world. I’m grateful for the Poetry Friday community and all their noticings – that keep me connected.

May your Labor Day hold rest and refreshment for you.

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