I am honored to have a poem included in
THE WRITE LAUNCH Winter 2024 Quarterly: Climate Crisis.

something small has died

by Patricia J. Franz

A response poem to Lacy M. Johnson’s “How to Mourn a Glacier.”
The New Yorker, 10/20/19.

This poem first appeared in The Write Launch Winter 2024: Climate Crisis

Who is to say why some days words wash over us while other days we are knocked flat?

Somewhere around the start of the pandemic lockdown, my husband and I watched the documentary The Game Changers. The next day, we became vegans, to the delight of our younger son who had made the same choice years earlier. It was less a decision about healthy living as it was a choice to show up for the planet.

“Do not take your broken heart and go home.”
“Showing up …is a holy practice.”

This week, Rabbi Sharon Brous‘ wisdom and my very first journal publication, combined to once again insist, like the temper tantrum of a toddler, I pay attention.

When I read Lacy M. Johnson’s article, I cried. I cried for dismissing my son’s existential angst as drama. I cried for a planet desperately trying to keep up with extraction economies. I cried for the 2 billion children that will join this earth in the next 25 years who will never see a glacier.

And then I wrote. And I’m still writing. Trying to find the words that might knock someone else flat when they let the reality of the climate crisis fully sink in. The Write Launch Winter 2024 issue is a compilation of responses. I am humbled to have a poem included. My desk is littered with titles like OF TIME AND WATER (A. Magnuson) and THE FUTURE WE CHOOSE (C. Figueres and T. Rivett-Carnac). And their words break my heart. And I would like to go home and stick my head in the sand because there are so many complicating issues that make up the phrase climate crisis. 

And then I hear “Showing up…is a holy practice.” I hear “What will you tell your granchildren when they ask you what you did?” And I understand that I have to show up. Not just to do everything I can, but to do everything necessary. Because it is not too late.

It’s Poetry Friday!
Come let the words of my fellow poets wash over you this weekend. You can find the round up of links with Susan at Chicken Spaghetti.

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