paper cuts, puppy teeth,
scratches on the knee,
slivers, stings, surgeries
for appendectomies,
unmet expectations,
unkind words, a broken heart
some will heal with Band-Aids
the tough ones leave a scar


©2022, Patricia J. Franz

I was the young mother that always underplayed injuries. The two things that got my attention were bleeding and not breathing; and the bleeding had to be copious.  Otherwise, it was, “Go wash it off, it’ll be fine.”

One of my sons sports a comma-sized scar above his left eyebrow. As a three-year-old, he tried to wake me in the middle of the night, and I insisted –in my state of half-sleep-eyes-closed– that he return to bed (believe me, there was a history of I can’t sleeps that precipitated my response). I found him the next morning with a line of dry blood staining his little face from brow to cheek. He had fallen out of bed and hit the corner of his nightstand (not one of my prouder mom-moments).

He healed nicely. He’s 30 and enjoys ribbing me (a la Danny Kaye’s character in White Christmas). The emotional scar is mine: a mark of humility – maybe mom does not always know best?

All this is to say that I’ve been thinking about woundedness, and what we carry with us, how our scars – and the wounds that still fester — shape us. A scar could be a conversation-starter – How did that happen? But how do we talk about the hidden wounds, the ones that have yet to heal? What do we do with those?


Rose gave our Nevermores poetry partners a prompt to borrow a line from another poet. I chose Alberto Rios’ “Border Boy,” from Not go away is my name (2020, Copper Canyon Press).  The line I borrowed (asterisked in my poem below) is:
A scar is the place where the hurting use to be.

BORDER BOY (by Alberto Rios)

I grew up on the border and though I left

I have brought it with me wherever I’ve gone.

Its line guides me, this long, winding thread of memory.

The border wasn’t as big as they say—


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My friend and one of my NEVERMORES poetry partners, Rose Cappelli at Imagine the Possibilities hosts the roundup this week!

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