the job of a poet
is to register what happened
off the page…
see the everyday magic, miracle…

Love is never in a hurry.”

–Manuel Iris, April 27, 2022 

In April 2022, I was one of who-knows-how-many poetry lovers that celebrated National Poetry Month. I was delighted to participate in a four-week focus called Mindful Poetry Moments, a collaboration between The Well and The On Being Project.  Each week, special guest poets led us through a contemplative reading and reflection on their work and then we were given time to respond with our own poems.

Manuel Iris inspired me with his recitation of “Miracle,”  a selection from his latest book THE PARTING PRESENT. You can read a few of the poems included in this lovely book here. Unfortunately, “Miracle” is not posted on his website.

But Mr. Iris spoke eloquently of small-m miracles that surround us and he invited us to weave them into a memory.

“Drought Baby” was my response. I am very excited that it was chosen for inclusion in this year’s MINDFUL POETRY MOMENTS anthology.  I am also proud that a poem by my sister, Kathy Pon, is included.

It is also not lost on me that as I type this post, my first-born (the child that inspired my poem memory) is in the birthing room with his wife, who is laboring to bring their first-born into the world.  I’m going to become a gramma today!

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Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone hosts our Poetry Friday round up. She has a couple of thoughts about baseball this week. She claims she’s not a fan, but her poetry makes me wonder!  

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