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I received a delightful Christmas gift from my daughter-in-law this year: Paint Chip Poetry. Essentially, it is a box full of word and phrase prompts. The added “layer” is that each word or phrase is found on a colored paint chip, similar to what you would find at a paint store. At the start of a week, I pull 4-6 “paint chips” from the box  and they become part of my poetry sandbox.

Some days, I play with all of the words, listening for a poem among them. Other days, I pay attention to the color palette they create.

This poem came from Paint Chip Poetry. The prompt was: Six Degrees of Separation; the word was: Obsidian.

Enjoy! And then visit Linda at TeacherDance to peruse the roundup of #PoetryFriday creations this week!

Six Degrees of Separation


 Which is harder:


or the nuts and bolts it births,

when hidden within

is the soft,

unstressed starting point?

Yet, in time,

pieces of itself


to stand firm,



proud to proclaim their identity

and from whence they come.

©2022 Patricia J. Franz

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