Do you trust your hair to just anyone?
Maybe you track your Supercuts rewards points.
Do you do whatever it takes to keep hair appointments?

I hate admitting this, but on days when my life is unraveling, I am often wearing a hat.


The only reason I’m writing about hair is because I sat with a poem this morning – not about hair, but about hair stylists. It’s not only a reflection on the role of a hair stylist in someone’s life. It speaks to the work of a hair stylist – so much more than simply cutting hairs, the way a bartender is so much more than a drink mixer.


If you were intentionally seeking relief –a sanctuary, a listening ear, wisdom, hope… would your first thought be a hair stylist? Someone who dreams about becoming a hair stylist may not realize all the other hats they will wear!

Ironic that something so outwardly defining –our HAIR — rightly or wrongly — can acutely affect our internal wellbeing.  Thank goodness for hair stylists!

I found a dozen metaphors in this poem, each one offering a different type of relief for what ails.

The metaphors!

refuge – spatial relief
timeout – temporary relief
bartender – verbal relief
soothsayer – worry relief
masseuse – physical relief
weaver – interpret/brain relief
confessor – spiritual relief
“hen” –  judgment relief
mentor – teach relief
magician – belief relief
therapist – guilt relief
mortician – bury relief

So now, the reveal…

Kathy Pon is a poet. She’s a retired educator and administrator; a tireless advocate of diversity in public school systems. She’s a farmer’s wife. A mom. A new grammy. She’s my first friend. She’s my sister. This poem first appeared in The Writer’s Launch and is used here with her permission. You can enjoy a couple more of her poems by clicking that link.

And I’m offering a very simple response poem here:

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Thank you to Jama at Jama’s Alphabet Soupfor hosting the Poetry Friday roundup this week!

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