Reverie: Patricia’s Blog

I is for Imayo

I is for Imayo

30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsThe Imayo The Japanese poetic form, Imayo, has four lines, each with 12 syllables. While that may sound intimidating, the syllables are broken up mid-line with a caesura - a pause- between the first 7 syllables and the final 5. The 5/7...

H is for Haiku

30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsHaiku Haiku is both easy and hard. This, from Michael Dylan Welch who explains that reducing the form down to its basic 5-7-5 syllable misses the heart of the tradition of Japanese haiku. That being said, most elementary teachers...

The Big Box of Books

The Big Box of Books

It's Poetry Friday! Please visit Margaret at Reflections on the Teche. She has the round up links for all of our Poetry Friday posts. But she's also featuring our 2023 Progressive Poem and an Inkling Fib challenge! Go visit!     One of my National Poetry Month...

About Patricia Franz

Published poet & kidlit writer

cultivating joy and inspiring

a long, loving look at the real.

Craft Work & Street Creds


PB Party 2023 Honorable Mention

National Poetry Month 2023, 2022

#50PreciousWords 2022, 2021 Honorable Mention

KidLit Vibes 2022 Honorable Mention


M.A. Theology / Children’s Spiritual Development


Member SCBWI-AZ since 2020

Member Inked Voices since 2021

12x12 Picture Book Challenge - since 2021

Courage to Create - The Writing Barn since 2022

Emeriti Trustee, The United States Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGSUSA)

Courses & Conferences


Andrea Brown Literary Agency (ABLA) Big Sur 2021

Writing Barn: Non-Fiction Beyond Fact Flinging (Heather L. Montgomery)

SCBWI & Smithsonian Institution Online Non-Fiction Workshop

Stanford Continuing Studies: Writing for the Youngest Audience: Little Children, Big Emotions (Lynn E. Hazen/Elissa Haden Guest)

Highlights Foundation: The Art of Giving & Receiving Critique (Erin Dionne)

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