Reverie: Patricia’s Blog

Q is for Quatern

Q is for Quatern

30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 Forms Quatern Poetic Form Rules This explanation comes straight from Writer's Digest: The form has 16 lines broken up into 4 quatrains (or 4-line stanzas). Each line is comprised of eight syllables. The first line is the refrain. In the...

P is for Poetryaction

P is for Poetryaction

30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsPoetryaction When I first saw this word, I wasn't sure if it was to be read Poetry Action or Poet Reaction. Either way, this is a playful response to a picture book, developed by Laura Purdie Salas (read more of her poetryactions...

O is for Ode

O is for Ode

30 Poems in 30 Days with 30 FormsOde - A Praise Poem! An ode is a poetic form praising or glorifying an individual or an event. According to Writer's Digest there are three types of odes: the Horation; the Pindaric; and the Irregular. You can read more about their...

About Patricia Franz

Published poet & kidlit writer

cultivating joy and inspiring

a long, loving look at the real.

Craft Work & Street Creds


PB Party 2023 Honorable Mention

National Poetry Month 2023, 2022

#50PreciousWords 2022, 2021 Honorable Mention

KidLit Vibes 2022 Honorable Mention


M.A. Theology / Children’s Spiritual Development


Member SCBWI-AZ since 2020

Member Inked Voices since 2021

12x12 Picture Book Challenge - since 2021

Courage to Create - The Writing Barn since 2022

Emeriti Trustee, The United States Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGSUSA)

Courses & Conferences


Andrea Brown Literary Agency (ABLA) Big Sur 2021

Writing Barn: Non-Fiction Beyond Fact Flinging (Heather L. Montgomery)

SCBWI & Smithsonian Institution Online Non-Fiction Workshop

Stanford Continuing Studies: Writing for the Youngest Audience: Little Children, Big Emotions (Lynn E. Hazen/Elissa Haden Guest)

Highlights Foundation: The Art of Giving & Receiving Critique (Erin Dionne)

Poetry Friday logo
Poetry Friday logo
Poetry Friday logo
Poetry Friday logo

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