It’s Poetry Friday!

Heidi at my juicy little universe
will have lots of food for thought to carry you into your weekend.
Below is my poem for this week’s NEVERMORES poetry prompt.

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by Patricia J. Franz


my naïveté died
lingered longer
than it should

nurtured by
suburban dreams
harmless lies
happily-ever-after times
fed white-washed lines


didn’t know, wasn’t told
protected from pain, mine
or someone else’s


I dared tread
on storied land
a vastness
I could never understand

bent my ear to
whispered souls, sold

a narrative
distorted sins
lives rewritten

my naivete died, yet

I spent part of the weekend within Saguaro National Park.

The contemporary native peoples whose history is bound to this land include: Akimel O’odham (also known as Pima), Apache, Hopi, Maricopa, Yaqui, Tohono O’odham (“Desert People”), Yavapai, and Zuni.

Sadly, the signage and printed materials do not include their voices or their stories.

The history of how tribal lands became part of the national park system is a painful and complicated one.

To begin only from the time these lands were set aside “for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations” is a disservice to the very values we wish to impart.


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