“Showing up is a holy practice.” These words came from Rabbi Sharon Brous, by way of a NYT article a couple of weeks...
Spiritual Journey 2024
The Power of ANDOLWIt was only last year, having fallen in love with both the Poetry Friday and the Spiritual Journey...
Light and Dark
Thank you to Jone who offered our December prompt. Click on her name to read a heartbreaking reflection on holding...
Life at the speed of grace
One of the best – and shortest – homilies I ever heard was given by a deacon on Ash Wednesday some years ago. Instead...
What is it about a word that wends its way into your very being and then insists on staying awhile, till you begin to...
Spiritual Journey: Rest
Carol is leading us this month in reflecting on the joy of summertime. Click on her name for her visual and poetic...
“I am the dance”
dancedance in joy and in griefin tears and in asheslift and carrydancedance ©2023, Patricia J. FranzThese poems...
Spiritual Journey: Shall We Dance?
"I am the dance, and I still go on..." We sang “Lord of the Dance” in many Catholic liturgies during the Easter...
Do This In Memory of Me
It’s 1965. I’m 6 years old. It’s Good Friday. What I know: There will be fish for dinner. Again. Yuck. We...
Words we fall back on
With age comes wisdom, right? - though I suppose foolishness finds its home even in the graying crowd. Deepening...
A Daily Practice
It's Poetry Friday! We're hosted by Carol Varsalona, who is sharing poetry postcards - a delightful poem swap...