Our friend, Denise Krebs hoststhe March Spiritual Journey reflections. Denise asks: It's just that I don't always feel...
Open Windows
Bob offers us this prompt for February: When God closes one door He opens another. It is up to us to recognize that...
The Unfolding
Happy New Year! I'm grateful to journey in spirit with a wonderful cohort of wonderers and believers. This is the...
The World Waits
Linda Mitchell hosts our Spiritual Journey cohort, offering this month's prompt, inspired by her OLW: world. My world....
Thank you to Leigh Anne for our October prompt: Transformation. You can read her reflection and find the links to...
Spiritual Journey: Wholehearted
Ruth Ayers is hosting our September Spirituall Journey. You can find links to her post and others here. Ruth asked us...
Spiritual Journey: Pause
It's been a wedding week (and the-some) of joy! As I reluctantly come up for air, I'm offering this week's post as...
So many I-don’t-knows! Everyday there is some new sight, some new factoid, some new trigger for my I-wonders. Here are...
Looking Back/Looking Forward
Thank you, Karen Eastlund for our June Spiritual Journey prompt about looking back and then looking forward. You can...
Spiritual Journey: Growth
Bonus week for me! It is both Spiritual Journey week and Poetry Friday. My post will serve both. Jone Rush MacCulloch...