I’m grateful to journey in spirit with a wonderful cohort of wonderers and believers. This is the space where we share reflections each month.
Our host for January is Margaret Simon. She shares her OLW still here.
Join us!
I want to try origami. I want to find the crane hidden in a flat sheet of paper. But I am just as fascinated by the unfolding. Hidden in the crane might be a frog or a hummingbird or a flower.
But to find them, first the unfolding. And with each unfolding is a time to honor the paper – both its fragility and its strength to become something new.
So unfold is my One Little Word for 2025.
To unfold is to be open to growth. Space is made to both release and receive grace.
photo courtesy of pixaby
poem ©2025 Patricia J. Franz
the unfolding
I have always been fascinated by transitions in life and for me, ‘unfolding’ has the feel and movement of a transition—that fascinating journey between what has been, and what will be/become. Filled with so many swirling emotions, ‘unfolding’ seems to hold a world of possibilities. I love the image of finding so much in the unfolding of an origami crane!
Patricia, I am late reading your blog post with your fabulous OLW. Unfold brings the gifts of creativity, the pleasure of receiving, and the opening of new possibilities. It fits so well with a year of discovering what is new.
Unfold small moments
Find the sacred space
Receive grace and release it to another
When I opened your email to me, I was thrilled that you unfolded each peace with pleasure.
May we continue to find small moments in each other’s writing.
Patricia, I am late with this. Unfold – a great word. As we unfold something, hidden layers come into view. Each layer holds its own unique meaning. Each of these small meanings in some way added to the big picture we are unraveling. May you unfold many new possibilities throughout the year. Bob
Oh, Patricia, yes, indeed, we are wonderers and believers, and you help me to do both with your powerful and beautiful thoughts and words. Thank you. Unfold is a thoughtful and meaningful word. I will look forward to it influencing your work this year. I love your use of conspire. I’m imagining time and grace conspiring now to do good. It is a lovely thought.