Street Poems
True confession: I love eavesdropping on conversations! It’s one of my favorite things to do when I’m out, especially in a restaurant. My preference is to not have a view of the people in conversation. This way I use only their words and tone for context.
Depending on who you ask, street poems can be a form of urban poetry, incorporating the use of slang or language of oppressed people; it also falls into the category of Found poetry. The content is drawn completely from the poet’s surroundings – overheard conversations, signage, music lyrics, announcements.
Below is a series of random one-liners I heard across the course of the past 7 days. I would listen and jot down words . At the end of the week, I played with the lines, choosing to edit for some kind of thematic consistency.

Oh, my, the things we hear when we just listen. In a long ago education class, an assignment was to record an overheard conversation to analyze language… but turning it into poetry is even more interesting!
I am temporarily in an ideal place for listening—daily walks on Broadway in NYC—and not so ideal for jotting things down. But I love this idea, and I’m going to give it a shot!