The wind is rising,
and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”

–Humbert Wolfe

     We are still in the thick of summer in Lake Tahoe. Wildflowers still dance at the higher elevations. But the lopey green mule ear fades; its edges are brittle, clacking with any breeze. There will come a day, perhaps a few weeks from now, when the season will begin to turn.

     I love those days.

     I love them because it takes a bit of silence to notice.

     My poem aims to capture those four silent moments –winter/spring, spring/summer, summer/fall, fall/winter. 

     I needed silence to find them today. Silence to try to recapture the glimpse that is a change of season.


And then THIS arrived in the mail from Molly Hogan!

Not simply a summer poem swap, but a poem care package that included her beautiful poem, three photo notecards, and a delightful Maine-covered “jotbook.”

Molly’s poem, “Seeking Silence” was the invitation I needed to conjure those moments from the past year.  Thank you, Molly!

Picture a Season


winter snow recedes
a forest floor thaws
unseen ice, underground
mounds carve a path
to spring


tamp and damp of dirt
stuck to toe and heel
spring in step, in mountain’s air
pine and fir
and chinquapin


bats swoop
to sip a drink at dusk
shadows wing — tribble-flit —
near my ear, disappear
into summer night


Mule ear yellow bends
at summer’s end, reluctant
leaves crackle under boot
cones gnawed
needles browned, signal
fall has come


©draft, Patricia J. Franz 

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My Nevermores poetry partner, Marcie Flinchum Atkins is hosting this week’s RoundUp. She has taken on a CRAZY August challenge that encourages participants to read a book of poetry every day in the month of August! It’s called The Sealey Challenge and I will cheer her on from the sidelines! Thank you, Marcie, for your constant inspiration!

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