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“…to be part of something larger…”

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We are a community of poets, writers, teachers, librarians, students, mothers, fathers, grandparents, lovers of literature, friends. We live around the country and around the world. Some of us know one another in person; others are connected via technology.

Every Friday (and Thursdays for some!) we share poetry. Please join us! If you have poetry to share, you can add your blog link at the bottom of this post. Leave a comment and then enjoy the wealth and richness of poetry offered this week at each of the links included.

I mentioned last week that I’m reading through Margaret Renkl’s THE COMFORT OF CROWS: A Backyard Year. It is luscious and I relish one essay every few days. This one felt particularly timely.

“I can scroll and worry indoors or I can step outside and remember how it feels to be part of something larger, something timeless, a world that reaches beyond me and includes me, too.”

Margaret Renkl
The Beautiful World Inside the Broken One: Spring Week 4

Last week, I joined The Sugar Pine Foundation to plant seedlings in national forest land near our home. What a joy! –the physical aspect of carrying twenty seedlings into the forest to search out open sky and good soil, seeing them safely into their new homes; and also, knowing some 500 seedlings spread out in our forest, wait patiently for nearby mother trees and the mycorrizal network to bring them into the fold, to do the work of diversifying and bringing this forest to health.

sugar pine seedling


tiny seedling that I am

I make this covenant to the community of caregivers

humbly, I ask

find a mother tree

plant me spade-deep in soil

give my roots a chance to connect

anchor in the mycorrizal web


I promise to remain open to light

to learn to hold the world’s work

to learn the ways of tree-being, silent and tireless


you will cheer me on

check on me

if you forget me, I will not forget you


I will grow

stem to trunk, seedling to sapling

branch, limb, cluster of needles

I will join the ancients

my offering of love to a world in need

of forest joy



©draft, Patricia J. Franz

May 14, 2024

This is me, planting a 3″ Sugar Pine seedling, then marking it for a watering crew who will come each month this summer. Its mother tree is the picture at the top of this post!

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