One of the best – and shortest – homilies I ever heard was given by a deacon on Ash Wednesday some years ago. Instead of giving up something for Lent, he gently suggested we slow down and give God a chance to catch us.
Grace is my shorthand for God.
Grace as Presence.
Grace as Gift.
As I grow into my sixties, I am learning to let go, to “take the picture off the wall” – pictures of outcomes I wish or imagine. I am learning to live life at the speed of Grace, letting God catch me, surprise me, love me, right where I am.
How will Grace find you?

Receiving Grace
grace is surrender,
a surprise
the night owl’s adieu
when morning arrives
a giggling grandniece
as bubbles rise
a cucumber bloom
as summer subsides
grace abides
photos & poem ©2023, Patricia J. Franz
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Patricia: Thanks so much for this prompt and for your reflections. Your “take the picture off the wall” idea is wonderful! I will work on it. Also, your poem reminded me of a tiny girl I saw in the store today. She let out a shriek, I looked up and our eyes met, and she gave me the most knowing smile. Great amusement from such a little one… made my day. My blog will be ready in a day or so. Thanks for hosting.
Aww…love those moments of Grace, Karen. I am finding that * leaving space on the walls * leaves me open to other art-ful moments.
Patricia, I loved this invitation to grace from the start. I love “grace is shorthand for God” – it sent my mind a-swirl. Your reflections on grace as endurance and presence and surrender all speak to me so. It is a mighty word and concept. Transformational. Thank you for this incredibly uplifting and inspirational call to write to grace – let us be willing conduits of the grace given to us!
Maybe grace is all about humility…leaving ourselves a little bit empty, a little bit open… room to let the Spirit move within us? See? You’ve given me even more to think about! Thanks, Fran!
Patricia, what an extraordinarily fresh way of seeing grace. That is life changing. Thank you. I’m closer to the next decade milestone of my life than the last…and I want less but to experience more grace in the way your deacon describes. The innocent giggling of children is a favorite sound of mine. When I hear it, I cannot help but stop and listen. Love your whole post. Thank you for hosting. My post is up at A Word Edgewise:
It may be the greatest gift of aging…learning that we need little more than giggles, bubbles, grace.
Patricia, thanks for leading us on this month’s Spiritual Journey. You have given us much to think about. Grace has so many meanings and shapes so many aspects of our lives. I love the idea of slowing down and letting God catch up. So often we have so many irons in the fire that we don’t know if we are coming or going. God keeps up with us, but how much better if instead of trying to outrun Him we let Him catch up or even get ahead to lead the way?
My post should be ready for tomorrow.
…or maybe walking together? 😉
Patricia, I have been pondering your thoughts since I read them days ago. Your words open with such ease as if the Spirit is next to you offering us a chance to let Grace find us. Amidst the dust of cluttered life moments, I sit with your blog open searching for swirling peace to surround so I can write with clarity. My thoughts are starting to gel so perhaps today they will flow. Thank you for your gift.
Patricia, I added my post. Thank you for hosting and sparking my thoughts.
I think you figured out the first step, Carol…sitting, BE-ing still. 🙂
I added my link, Patricia. Thank you for sparking my thoughts.
Patricia, thanks for you wonderful musings and poem on grace. Your words are a balm to my soul. I printed your poem to put in my book of favorites. “Grace abides” speaks peace to me.
Perhaps grace begets grace? I’m glad you found a tiny spot of peace.
I love the idea of living life at the speed of Grace. Thank you for this inspiration. I love “unearned, undeserved, uncontrolled.” Yes, that’s grace. And in your sweet poem, ‘the night owl’s adieu.’
My post is at
For me, it’s the “uncontrolled” that I have to come to terms with!
Patricia, your words could not have landed at a better time for me. My work life has changed course, and I am not sure how to navigate it right now. Sitting in a ship of Grace, allowing it to move me with no effort of my own, may be all I need. Will link my post tonight!
Chris, I love the feeling of floating and letting the current do the work. There will be time for the sail or oar eventually.