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It’s PoetryFriday! 

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This week’s round up is hosted all the way from Queensland, Australia, by children’s author and poet Kathryn Apel. Join us at Kats Whiskers!

What a joy to share friendships across pens (and pencils and laptops and smart phones)!

Thank you, Tabatha, for organizing our 2024 Holiday Poetry Swap.

With weather and life and all notions of things that prevent us from executing our grand calendar plans, I was gifted my holiday goody package from Carol V. last week as the new year unfolded. And how apropos – with my OLW –unfold– leading the way.

Unfold I did. Festive string-tied packages of Hope (ornament), Zen (tiny ponderings), lemon light (candle), a beaded reminder of tenderness (handmade African key chain), and oodles of poetry gleaned from personal memories crafted with care and love by Carol Varsalona.

As I hope with unfold – each gift carried with it a small hidden grace released in the unwrapping. And each gift inspires me to in turn, to share some small grace in kind.

An Unfolding Acrostic  (for Carol)


unwrapped, grace spills forth in a

new year –invites receiving and releasing

forgiveness, renewal, joy–

outward signs of inward transformation

life beckons

dare to open


©2025 PJF

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