It’s Poetry Friday!

Come see what Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference has in store for us!

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By the time you read this, the summer solstice will be behind us. But I type this within hours of the precise moment when it occurs: June 20th, 1:50pm. What I am most looking forward to is the first full moon which I will see tomorrow evening: June 21st, 9:08pm.

I’m also whispering a small prayer of gratitude for the unknown-to-me people who calculate these things for us. Thank you, Farmer’s Almanac for inspiring this poem:

full moon june


night after night a planet turns


flowers form, fruit fattens

filament glows

a meridian thought subdued

waxes, waits to bloom

strawberry solstice moon


©draft, Patricia J. Franz

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