Thank you to Jone who offered our December prompt. Click on her name to read a heartbreaking reflection on holding both Light and Dark. And then dip into the comments that follow her reflection to find links to our Spiritual Journey cohort.

I am grateful this year to have had the opportunity to accompany this thoughtful group of writers each month.

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Part of me resists categories like Light and Dark. It’s too easy to drop things into one box or another. It feels too automatic to explain life’s ups and downs as periods of light and darkness. It feels trite to be told we must experience one to embrace the other. That seasons come and go. That growth means living through both and emerging wiser.

In Catholic liturgical tradition we cycle through liturgical readings every three years. As we revisit scripture we have heard over and over, we hopefully move toward the core in an ever-deepening spiral of seeking meaning.

I was returning home from a weekend of joy and celebration – a bridal shower (one of 6 in my family this year) for one of my nieces. Light. I made a last-minute itinerary change to be present to my son and daughter-in-law as they made the painful decision to say goodbye to their dear old pup. Dark. In between tears and laughter and shared memories of the incredibly good life this doggie had, my son told me: I wouldn’t trade an ounce of this pain; it’s the price of loving Ace so much.

Hurtling along at 32,000 feet I found the heart-space to marvel at the heart’s ability? desire? to hold both Light and Dark at the same time. To be so full of love –and sadness—all at once. At that moment, I did not want to think of Light and Dark needing to be serially experienced.

Can Light and Dark be present at the same time? Is there light in darkness? If our God is ever-present, I want to say yes to this. I want to believe it is our human limitations that keep us from seeing both at once.

This is how I know I have not lost my faith: my sheer longing for this to be true –my desire to know that in some other dimension, Light is present – even in darkness.

If God is anything, please let God be this.

This year –more than ever– I need this to be true.

light and dark and light


light and joy

and ribboned boughs

glitter the trees


laughter and music

falling like snow


clink and clatter

as hope buries itself

deep in my bones


carries me across

chasms of fear


nestles in hearts

melts into tears

sprinkled as blessing


heads bowed together

in thanksgiving

my Christmas prayer


©draft, Patricia J. Franz
photos courtesy of Pixabay

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