Welcome to our final Poetry Friday roundup for 2022!

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What is Poetry Friday, you ask?

I do love Susan Thomsen’s description:
“…an online literary happy hour…”

Renee LaTulippe also explains it.

For me, Poetry Friday has been a JOY!


Before rushing whole hog into 2023 and the plethora of calls for resolutions and one-word intentions, I want to take this moment to give thanks for 2022.

I’m that annoying friend, colleague, family member who is a stickler for finding the good, no matter the situation. Don’t get me wrong. I will walk with you in your grief, your disappointment, your loss. But eventually I will place the question in your lap – in my own! – and ask “What is good?”


Actually, before that, I will insist on physical activity. And then, when the body surrenders, like a tired child, I will turn to gratitude and recall what is good.

Find the good in any and every situation. End the day naming three simple things you can be grateful for. A sunset. Hot coffee. A cuddle with your dog or cat. A good phone call. Music.

As I write this, I have just hiked my doggie in the snow with visiting family. They depart tomorrow after spending the last 10 days together.

And I’m feeling particularly grateful for this Poetry Friday community – truly a highlight of my 2022. Thank you, all, for your words, your presence, your sharing.


I am crossing my fingers that I have done Mr. Linky properly and that when you click the link below, you will magically find yourself able to add your Poetry Friday link! Even though it says “Oh no…!” click the link! Thank you for your patience!

I look forward to visiting all of your posts this weekend!

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