Digital betwixting

sprinkled further fairy dust

upon me…

It’s been a Margaret Wise Brown-kinda week. No, I have not been re-reading GOODNIGHT, MOON.  I kept bumping into her digital footprint.

If you follow Maria Popova’s weekly philosophical musings (The Marginalian), she often dips into Brown’s poetry or her personal life. I will sheepishly admit I was unfamiliar with both, until this past week’s post.

I got lost down the proverbial rabbit hole when I went to Amazon in search of Brown’s poems.

Digital betwixting sprinkled further fairy dust upon me as I flipped through Instagram late one evening. Georgia Heard’s Instagram post offered a poetry prompt using the first lines of Brown’s poem, “Things to Remember.”  I never did find the poem (I copied it from the Insta post); but I did write a poem.

by Margaret Wise Brown
Remember this
And never forget:
The first spring snowdrop.
All green and wet and
A white flower blowing out
of the dark
Never forget it.
Remember this
And never forget it:
That the bees flew about you
And the flowers bloomed
In the hot drowsy fields that
smelled of summer
And smelled of noon
Never forget it.
And remember this:
The lightning bug
you caught in your hand.
And there was the light in the palm of your hand. And
You held it.
Remember this
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Another delightful new poetry-friend is Carol at Beyond LiteracyLink. Carol and I became poetry swap partners this summer, courtesy of Summer Poetry Swap 2022.

This past week, Carol ventured beyond her comfort zone and will undoubtedly remember her first kayak experience! You can read about that – AFTER perusing the Poetry Friday round up contributions that she will host. Enjoy!

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